Thursday, March 21, 2013

Photo Dump

Another Music-Themed Birthday Cake!

This was a cake I made for a longtime family friend, Ric.  The theme was 'Barbershop', as Ric is a long-time barbershopper.  The design I eventually settled on (rather than basic 'barber pole' or 'men with mustaches' which is what goggle images was offering me) was 'what would the backseat of my dad's car look like about 20 years ago?'  A random smattering of barbershop-related things are all represented.  There's the sheet music, the pitch pipe, the striped vest, the bowtie and even the white straw hat.   

Surprise Birthday Party Cake!

My church choir's totally awesome pianist Dylan turned 18 on the first Wednesday in March, and spent his first birthday as a legal adult wth us.  How fun.  But he's totally awesome, and so the decision was made to throw him a surprise birthday party after choir practice and I was asked to make the super secret birthday cake.  This is what I came up with:
The flavor was a chocolate orange with raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream.  The piano was made from simple black and white chocolate that I melted and then formed.  Unfortunately, the top didn't stay up without cracking, but it still turned out pretty good.